The Sectoral Oversight Committee on Environment, Natural Resources, and Sustainable Development disclosed that 23 projects initiated by the Urban Development Authority by spending government Funds are currently stalled, and among such projects, 11 have been stopped due to issues between institutions.
The Committee emphasised that, in addition to the projects that have been stopped due to a lack of funds, the main reason for these projects to be stalled is a lack of cooperation or agreement between the relevant institutions.
The Sectoral Oversight Committee on Environment, Natural Resources, and Sustainable Development, which met on Tuesday under the Chairmanship of Ajith Mannapperuma, took into consideration the projects that have been initiated by the Urban Development Authority but have been abandoned due to various reasons, thereby making a change in the strategy or existing rules followed in starting and maintaining the projects.
It was revealed that an amount of 56,388 million rupees has been estimated for 11 projects. that have been stopped halfway through due to the problems between the institutions.
Although the Urban Development Authority has spent 2,531 million rupees, there are outstanding bills of 14,23 million rupees for further payment. Also, it was revealed that an amount of 56,999 million rupees is required for the completion of the projects.
Since there are projects that have been stopped due to a lack of funds as well as projects that have been stopped due to institutional issues that need to be addressed between various institutions, the committee focused its attention on projects that have been stopped halfway through due to problems. between institutions at this Committee meeting.
The Ceylon Electricity Board, Road Development Authority, National Water Supply and Drainage Board, Sri Lanka Railway Department, and Prisons Department were called before the Committee, which also included the Urban Development Authority.