People off the coast of Colombo North and Negombo asked to refrain from touching any object

Indian citizens in Sri Lanka alerted over the possible dangers

People in the coastal areas from Colombo to Negombo advised to refrain from touching debris of the containers that fell into the sea following the explosion on board the Mv X-press Pearl vessel.

Nevertheless, people along the Colombo North coastal belt from Uswetakeiyawa to Negombo seen collecting items washed ashore, into buckets. Though the Police were present in some places people, of the vicinity, had collected many objects that have washed ashore.

Meanwhile, the Indian High Commission in Colombo had alerted Indian citizen in Colombo to avoid going closer to the sea in Colombo and Negombo.

The Marine Protection Authority, in the meantime has said in the event of an oils spillage from the burning vessel, it is likely to drift towards the Negombo lagoon forming an oil slick that may cause marine environmental pollution.



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