A Brit trapped abroad in Sri Lanka after sharing videos of a civil uprising says she is ‘out of hope’ following 13 months of hiding from the country’s oppressive government.

Kayleigh Fraser, 35, had her home in the south Asian island nation raided in August last year by immigration officials who claimed that she was visiting the country on an invalid visa and seized her passport.

But St Andrews woman Ms Fraser, who was visiting the country to study botanical medicine, said this was only brought to her attention after she began sharing videos of the ‘Aragalaya’ (‘Struggle’ in Sinhalese) protests on her Instagram.

Sri Lanka’s supreme court upheld a deportation order issued by officials – but Ms Fraser says she is afraid to surrender to them amid fears that she will be unlawfully detained under the country’s notorious anti-terror laws, which allow individuals to be detained for causing ‘religious, racial, or communal disharmony’.

Later today, North East Fife MP Wendy Chamberlain will meet with Foreign Office officials in the hope of eking out written reassurances from the Sri Lankan government that Ms Fraser will be guaranteed safe passage out of the country.

Sri Lanka’s supreme court upheld a deportation order issued by officials – but Ms Fraser says she is afraid to surrender to them amid fears that she will be unlawfully detained under the country’s notorious anti-terror laws, which allow individuals to be detained for causing ‘religious, racial, or communal disharmony’.

Later today, North East Fife MP Wendy Chamberlain will meet with Foreign Office officials in the hope of eking out written reassurances from the Sri Lankan government that Ms Fraser will be guaranteed safe passage out of the country.  Daily Mail