The Expulsion Petitions filed by Tourism Minister Harin Fernando and Labour and Foreign Employment Minister Manusha Nanayakkkara challenging the Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB) decision to remove them from their party membership were today fixed for argument by the Supreme Court.

The Supreme Court three-judge bench, comprising Justices S. Thurairaja, Mahinda Samayawardena, and Arjuna Obeysekara, fixed the two matters for argument on October 12. In terms of Article 99 (13)(a) of the constitution, an expulsion petition should be heard by three judges of the Supreme Court, and their determination should be made within two months of the filing of such a petition.

The two ministers are seeking a declaration that they have not ceased to be Members of Parliament and that they continue to be and shall remain Members of Parliament.

President’s Counsel Ronald Perera appeared for the petitioner ministers. Dr. Jayampathy Wickremaratne and Counsel Hejaaz Hizbullah appeared for SJB Leader and General Secretary.

These petitions had been filed by attorney-at-law Dinesh Vidanapathirana and Priyangika Jayawickrama of Vidanapathirana Associates. The petitions are to be supported by Dr. Romesh de Silva, PC.