Basil Rajapaksa’s philosophy as the Minister of Economic Development was to borrow as much as he can and spend as much as he can on infrastructure projects, so he that his government could make political gains. Ironically, he has...
Just when you thought it cannot get any worse, it did. That is the general public’s perception about the special presidential pardon accorded to R. Duminda Silva, former parliamentarian and convicted murderer. The act of pardoning Silva is disgusting but not...
Politics, particularly in this part of the world are all about branding. The Senanayakes and Bandaranaikes were brand names that had good market value. Nowadays, the Rajapaksas are the brand to beat, no matter what their failings are. Wickremesinghe...
We have never been great fans of Gammanpila for he brings to mind the saying that patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel and his public posturing has had racism written all over it, but this claim from...
In the lead up to the 2019 presidential election, a major theme of the then opposition which was promoting Gotabaya Rajapaksa as its candidate was ‘one country, one law’. The reference, of course, was to the Muslim community which had...
When this Coronavirus pandemic is eventually done and dusted and its history comes to be written, Sri Lanka will surely be the case study that is highlighted in the chapter on “How not to manage a pandemic’. Now, the country...
• What was tragic about all this is that Sri Lanka has one of the most robust immunisation schemes for young children not only in Asia but the entire world. The health systems were therefore already there, if only...
If you are one of those who subscribe only to mainstream media and were observing what was going on in Sri Lanka, you would be excused if you were under the impression that the Corona virus pandemic, while still...
It was former United States President Ronal Reagan who famously observed that politics is said to be the second oldest profession but that it bears a striking resemblance to the first. The pandemic politics that the government is engaged...
Every effort should be made to prevent the deadly triple mutated Indian strain of the virus which was wreaking havoc there from entering the island The die is cast. Sri Lanka and its government has spectacularly bungled its Covid-19 management...
The manner in which the government has snatched defeat from the jaws of victory, mismanaging the Covid-19 pandemic is a truly remarkable tale of arrogance, incompetence and inefficiency. Around late September last year, Sri Lanka was well in control of...
There is a sense of déjà vu about this: when Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe decides enough is enough with a political party it usually heralds the beginning of the end for that party although the end does not come immediately. This has...


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