Former UN top brass and experts back UN Rights Commissioner’s recommendation in a joint statement The statement based on unverified sources, has major lacunae           A number top-notch former UN officials and independent experts have called on the international...
The coming UNHRC session and the visit of the Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan may have influenced the reversal of the highly divisive policy of not allowing the burial of COVID victims. Colombo, February 10: The Sri Lankan Prime Minister...
    The Pottuvil-Poligandy long march united antagonistic Tamil parties and brought together disparate Tamil-speaking communities including Muslims.     Colombo, February 9: Due to the high profile majority supremacist policies of the government, disparate and mutually antagonistic Tamil-speaking communities of Sri Lanka...
President Gotabaya Rajapaksa indicated that he will safeguard the unitary nature of the constitution, usher in uniform laws. I am a Sinhala Buddhist Leader and I will never hesitate to state so     Colombo, February 4: Addressing the nation on...
  New Delhi to issue statement on the Lankan cabinet’s decision to back out on the East Terminal deal and offer the West Terminal instead as a sop.   Colombo, February 3: India-Sri Lanka relations have come under strain following Sri...
  UNHRC resolutions are not binding, but powerful countries could use them to arm-twist targeted States into submission or wrest political and economic concessions from them.   By P.K.Balachandran   Colombo, January 25: Sri Lanka is gearing up for a hard battle at the...
  Colombo, January 20: To admirers of American democracy and America’s ability to absorb diverse cultures, ethnicities and political views, outgoing President Donald Trump’s shenanigans and the violence that followed came as a rude shock. As preparations were on for the...
Imran Khan expected to leverage the military and political help rendered to Sri Lanka during and after the war against terrorism to weaken India’s influence on the island nation.  Colombo, January 19: Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan is to...
Today marks a historical event as two female officers were commissioned as pilots at the Sri Lanka Air Force (SLAF) at its academy in China Bay. This is the first time in the SLAF’s 69-year history where female officers...


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