Japanese Grants Programme – 2021 for Human Resource Development Scholarships
The Government of Japan implements the “Japanese Grants Programme for Human Resource Development Scholarships” for executive level government sector officials with effect from the year 2010 for undergoing post graduate degree courses at recognized Universities in Japan. Sri Lanka has been facilitated for 180 postgraduate degree courses and 08 doctorates by now under this programme.
The Government of Japan has agreed to award a grant worth Japanese Yen 271 million (approximately rupees 488 million) to the batch to be inaugurated studies in September 2021. Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the resolution submitted by the Prime Minister as the Minister of Finance to sign the exchange papers / letters with Japan and to enter into an agreement with Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA) to implement this programme.
Providing concession for tourism sector establishments affected by COVID – 19
The Cabinet of Ministers has previously approved the proposals submitted by the task force comprised of employers, employee trade union representatives and the officers of the Ministry of Labour and Department of Labour with the objective of granting relief for sustaining the employments of the employees in some institutions within the sectors affected by the COVID – 19 pandemic situations amidst the crisis.
Accordingly, the reliefs of proportionately giving opportunity for every employee to be engaged in service, to award which is more advantages from 50% from the total or a sum of rupees 14,500/- from the monthly salary if the employees are to be remained in residences and payment of contributions to the Employees Provident Fund (EPF) and Employees Trust Fund(ETF) by the employees for the said portion of salary etc, will be implemented until the end of June 2021.
As a result of the travel restrictions imposed for international aviation around the world, especially the tourism in the countryis unable to be maintained and therefore the Cabinet of Ministers decided to grant agreement for further implementing the precautions taken by the Minister of Labour from the month of July to December 2021.
National level media programme for educating on the importance of production and use of organic and natural fertilizer.
The Government has taken a policy decision to utilize organic and natural fertilizer instead of chemical fertilizer for agriculture.
There is an urgent requirement of an awareness programme to be launched for the farmers / cultivators and other parties to educate the true situation in the regard, to improve understanding among the farmers / cultivators for popularizing the use of organic fertilizer, for promotion of organic and natural fertilizer as well as encouragement for environment friendly programmes.
Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the resolution submitted by the Minister of Agriculture for mplementing the awareness programmes across audio, visual, print, and digital media for educating the farmer community and the youth as well as other relevant parties.
Providing dry rations for places of worship in distress due to non-receipt of alms
The Ministry of Religious and Cultural Affairs has launched a program to provide dry rations to places of worship in distress due to non-receipt of alms from donors due to the island-wide Covid 19 epidemic and travel restrictions.
Accordingly, the cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by the Prime Minister in his capacity as the Minister of Religious and Cultural Affairs to distribute parcels containing dry food items worth Rs. 5000 purchased from Lanka SathosaLimited to temples and places of worship identified, through the distribution unit of Lanka Sathosa.
Provisions to award additional interest for Special Deposit Accounts
Cabinet approval has previously been granted to open special deposit accounts and to pay additional interest to retain existing deposits in those accounts with effect from 07.04.2020 in order to encourage the remittance of foreign currency to the country. Accordingly, the relevant orders have been issued under the provisions of the Foreign Exchange Act No. 12 of 2017. Under the existing provisions, it is possible to reinvest special deposit accounts with a term of 6 months or 12 months and to award additional interest on such special deposit accounts. But there is no provision to pay an additional interest rate for special deposit accounts that are reinvested for a period of more than 12 months.
Accordingly, the proposal made by the Prime Minister in his capacity as the minister of finance to make an order in terms of Section 7 (1) of the Foreign Exchange Act No. 12 of 2017, including the necessary provisions for that, and to submit such orders to Parliament for approval, was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers.
Amendments to the National Aquaculture Development Authority of Sri Lanka Act No.53 of 1998.
The approval has been granted by the cabinet meeting held on15th August, 2017 to amend National Aquaculture Development Authority of Sri Lanka Act No.53 of 1998 to vest the wide powers for the Director General of Sri Lanka National Aquaculture Development
Authority in order to monitor, promote and manage the aquaculture. Accordingly, the minister in charge has appointed a committee to submit recommendations by studying the facts on amendments have to be done. The committee has submitted proposals related to the amendment of the said act and as per the said proposals, it has been recommended to amend Sri Lanka National Aquaculture Development Authority No.53 1998 as well as amend Fisheries and Aquatic Resources act No. 2 of 1996 which was amended by the act No.22 of 2006 concurrently thereto. Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal tabled by the Minister of Fisheries to amend Sri Lanka National Aquaculture Development Authority No.53 1998 as well as Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Authority No.2 of 1996 concurrently thereto based on the bill drafted by the committee.Amendments to the Dangerous Animals Ordinance.
The subcommittee on criminal law reforms of the special unit of Ministry of Justice has recommended that the Dangerous Animals Ordinance should be amended according to the present requirements. Accordingly, the proposal submitted by the Minister of Justice to take necessary steps to amend Dangerous Animals Ordinance No.38 of 1921, was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers.
Amendments to the Immigration and Emigration Act No.20 of 1948 to revise theexisting visa period in relation to the visa issuance process of the Department of
Immigration and Emigration.
President as the Minister of Defense had tabled a proposal to the
Cabinet of Ministers earlier to publish the bill that drafted by the Legal Draftsman to amend the Immigration and Emigration Act to revise the existing visa period in relation to the visa issuance process of the Department of Immigration and Emigration in the gazette and submit to the parliament. The Minister of Justice was requested at the Cabinet meeting held on April 5, 2021 to study the facts regarding the said bill and submit if further amendments to be made to the Cabinet of Ministers. Accordingly, the Minister of Justice has discussed with the relevant parties and recommended to the Cabinet of Ministers that it is suitable to get the approval relevant bill by the Parliament in as it is. In view of the said recommendation, The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal submitted by thePresident by the Cabinet Memorandum dated 23rd February, 2021 to publish the bill drafted to amend the Immigration and Emigration Act in the Gazette and submit to Parliament.