Diyawadana Nilame Pradeep Nilanga Dela will chair a meeting tomorrow (19) at 3.00 pm at Sri Dalada Maligawa premises regarding the estimated bill received from the Ceylon Electricity Board for the historical Esala Perahera.

The CEB had informed the Sri Dalada Maligawa (The Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic) to deposit over Rs 13.2 million to provide a continuous electricity supply for the Esala Perahara.

Kandy District Secretary Chandana Tennakon, Gangavata Koralaya Divisional Secretary, Kandy Municipal Commissioner, Buddhist Affairs Commissioner, Kandy Senior Deputy Inspector General of Police, Electricity Board’s Associate Director, and others will participate in this discussion.

Kandy district secretary Chandana Tennakoon has given a written notice to all parties to participate in

the discussion.

The General Manager of the Electricity Board has also been informed to submit the detailed estimate.

prepared for the electrical lighting work for the Esala Perahara.