In a strategic move towards a developed Sri Lanka by 2048, President Ranil Wickremesinghe emphasised the dual importance of technology and financial literacy for the next generation.

Speaking at the inauguration of the ‘Capital Market Club’ programme at Nugawela Central College in Kandy today, President Wickremesinghe disclosed key plans for this transformative journey.

Among the president’s notable announcements was the integration of the Central Bank’s reports into schools for discussion. To facilitate this, the Central Bank of Sri Lanka is set to introduce a comprehensive training programme for teachers and student leaders. This initiative aims to bolster awareness of the stock market and enhance financial literacy among students across the nation.

The collaborative effort behind this programme involves the Presidential Secretariat, the Ministry of Education, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the Colombo Stock Exchange. These institutions have joined forces to execute President Wickremesinghe’s vision, with the ultimate goal of cultivating an informed and financially aware younger generation.

He said that financial systems operate without heeding national boundaries in today’s competitive economic climate. “Whether favourable or not, we must adapt within these constraints. The global economy draws its sustenance from various sources, including banks and stock markets”, he said.

He added that it is essential to acknowledge the pivotal role of money. Similar to the private sector, the government also engages with the money market and issues Treasury bonds. Today, our objective is to acquaint you with this methodology, marking the initial step in this educational journey”, he said.

Furthermore, my aspiration is to introduce discussions on the Central Bank report within schools starting in the upcoming year. I am actively engaging with the Ministry of Finance in this endeavour. To facilitate this, we are equipping both teachers and student leaders with training while also garnering support from bank officials.

This initiative underscores the need for familiarity with contemporary methods. Our focus extends beyond the mere dissemination of knowledge; it encompasses financial literacy and securities education that should reach even the most remote villages. Talented individuals reside within these communities, and it is incumbent upon us to provide them with the essential training.