Home Getting An Education Or Cramming To Pass Exams? In July this year the government launched a scholarship scheme to recognize academic achievements, sports, and the arts etc. Let’s hope it won’t become another sham and stress out students, like the grade 5 scholarship program.

In July this year the government launched a scholarship scheme to recognize academic achievements, sports, and the arts etc. Let’s hope it won’t become another sham and stress out students, like the grade 5 scholarship program.

With all of their time spent in school, tuition classes and completing homework, most kids get to enjoy the outdoors and not worry about studies, only when they go on class trips.
“Passing the cushion”, a game, these kids who live in the North East of the country played for the first time recently. Schools in rural areas function with very few facilities and teachers. Scholarships were meant to help students such as those pictured here, gain admission to so-called better schools.


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