SLPP Hambantota district parliamentarian Namal Rajapaksa today said that the SLPP will extend support for an international investigation into the allegations levelled by Channel 4 over the Easter Sunday attacks.

He added that a comprehensive investigation should be conducted into the allegations on Easter Sunday with the assistance of foreign investigative agencies.

It has been said that foreign government agencies dealing with terrorism should conduct a fresh investigation into the Easter Sunday attacks, Rajapaksa said.

He was of the view that organisations that deal with terrorism in the UK, India, and USA should conduct a fresh probe on the Easter Sunday attacks instead of various TV channels or NGOs while highlighting that his party will support such a probe.

He said TV channels and NGOs have no capacity to investigate terror organisations.

“A select committee was appointed to probe Easter Sunday attacks during the Good Governance government. MPs such as Sarath Fonseka and M. A. Sumanthiran were members of the select committee. The next step is to get international organisations specialised in terror group probes to conduct a fresh investigation,” he said.