President Ranil Wickremesinghe has discussed varied topics with Tamil parties representing Northern and Eastern provinces before his departure to India for crucial talks with Priem Minister Modi on matters of mutual interest. The matters discussed are as follows. A brief report is also annexed with a few details.
Anti-Terrorism Bill, Anti-Corruption Bill, Truth Seeking Mechanism and the Bill, ONUR Law, Office for Reparations, Granting Presidential Pardon to Prisoners involved in LTTE activities, Office of Missing Persons, Establishment of the National Land Commission, Resolution of land matters through sustainable forest management, National Plan for Archaeology, Road Map for the Issuance of All Country Passports for Sri Lankans living in Rehabilitation Camp in South India. Resettlement of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in North and East Provinces, Lands to be released by the Armed Forces – Northern Province, Devolution of Power, Development Plan for the North.
Details annexed