The Rajapaksas have deceived this country and the people for power over and over, using different tactics. said SJB parliamentarian Eran Wickramaratne.

“In 2005, placing national security first, in 2010, on the basis of sympathy showing the electric chair, and in 2015, Mahinda campaigned presenting a concrete desert as development.

Addressing a press conference in Colombo, he said Easter terror attacks and racism opened doors of power for them.

Wickramaratne said that the Rajapaksas are confusing the country and the people again, using the Easter attack documentary recently aired on Channel Four. “They seem to think that this is the hand of cards that will lead to their 2024 election win,”, he said.

The member who spoke further said that the Rajapaksa government is misdirecting the people to steer attention away from their own actions and inactions that led to the downfall of the country.

“People fell dead in queues, gas cylinders exploded in houses, there were reports from hospitals where patients were dying from inferior medication, and families with children were surviving on one meal a day. Wickramaratne warned against attempts to confuse the country once again, based on racism and religionism, to gain power in the 2024 elections.


“The State Minister of Finance, Shehan Semasinghe, recently stated that the government cannot do business. After years leading the country towards bankruptcy, the Rajapaksa government has been forced to accept economic fundamentals”, he added.