Ranil Wickremesinghe, the President and Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, awarded the President’s Colour to the Sri Lanka Volunteer Naval Force on August 18, 2023.

The distinguished honour was bestowed upon the Volunteer Naval Force in recognition of its unwavering dedication, exemplary service, and significant contributions to the nation as the main supplementary force of the Sri Lanka Navy. The momentous ceremony was held at the main parade ground of SLNS Nipuna in Boossa, in precision with time-honoured naval tradition.

The inception of a naval force in the country traces back to the establishment of Naval Volunteer Force Ordinance No. 01 of 1937. The ordinance led to the formation of the Royal Ceylon Volunteer Naval Force on January 11, 1939, which eventually evolved into the Ceylon Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve. The establishment of the Royal Ceylon Navy took place on December 9, 1950, through the enactment of Navy Act No. 34 of 1950.

This new naval force comprised officers and sailors who were actively serving at the time. Simultaneously, the formation of the Royal Ceylon Volunteer Naval Force was initiated, comprising officers and sailors who were not in active service within the Ceylon Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve. The Royal Ceylon Volunteer Naval Force, which underwent a transformation into the Sri Lanka Volunteer Naval Force in 1972 as the country became a republic,