Home The Urgent Need To Foster And Save Secularism A shrine to three of Sri Lanka’s main religions, Buddhism, Hinduism and Christianity, found on a hillock in Kuchchuveli, in the North East of the country is a rare sight. While most Sri Lankans are tolerant of each other’s religions, no Sri Lankan government has had the courage to separate the State from religion.

A shrine to three of Sri Lanka’s main religions, Buddhism, Hinduism and Christianity, found on a hillock in Kuchchuveli, in the North East of the country is a rare sight. While most Sri Lankans are tolerant of each other’s religions, no Sri Lankan government has had the courage to separate the State from religion.

It has become a tradition in Sri Lanka, for all politicians to visit the Heads of the main Buddhist Temples, whenever they take office, and during other important events.  Buddhist religious leaders weild much influence over political leaders in the country.   Seen here, is Prime Minister Ranil Wickremasinghe with the Ven. Thibbatuwawe Sri Siddhartha Sumangala Thero, the Head of the Malwatte Chapter.


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