Justice, Prisons Affairs, and Constitutional Reforms Minister Dr Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe says that as the Chairman of the Parliamentary Special Committee tasked with providing recommendations for the expansion of higher education opportunities in Sri Lanka, he emphasised the pressing necessity of formulating a national policy to enhance the quality of education in Sri Lanka.

The minister underscored the challenge of nurturing the human potential of children in the absence of a competitive education system.

Rajapakshe conveyed these sentiments during his participation in a press conference held at the Presidential Media Centre today.

He also highlighted the current demand for vocational training in the country and advocated that institutions offering such education should receive recognition on par with universities.

“In our country, we boast a high standard of education. However, the opportunities available for our students to access the highest levels of education are insufficient. In today’s competitive environment, our children are often taught to memorise knowledge rather than foster skills, knowledge, and intelligence development.”

He added that the beginning of the Grade 5 scholarship programme creates fierce competition among children, which sometimes leads to negative emotions like hatred and anger.

“Despite achieving high exam scores, we have observed little improvement in the development of their character and human qualities. This competitive atmosphere extends to both the general and advanced-level exams. As long as this competitive education system persists, it remains challenging to nurture an altruistic community for our nation.