What’s the delay, the Archbishop queried the government when those responsible for the carnage had been clearly indicated in the report handed over by the Commission of Inquiry.

“We would not approve of any moves by the government if efforts are underway to appoint another committee to whitewash those responsible.

The Presidential Commission appointed to probe the Easter Sunday attack on the Christian churches recommended instituting criminal charges against Former President Mathripla Sirisena, and several others.

However, the former President was given nearly one hour by the government to explain his position when the House debated the Easter Sunday carnage recently.

Is the  former President with his clothes on when he said that he was going to contest once again, the Archbishop queried and said the former President should go home and look after his interests, instead

The Archbishop demanded action from the government to mete out justice for the victims of the families of the Easter carnage and said if the government fails, the Catholics will have no alternative but to take to the streets.


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