Submission of the regulations under Imports and Exports (Control) Act No. 1 of 1969 to Parliament.

The Cabinet of Ministers on the 27th April 2021 decided to ban the import of chemical fertilizer, pesticide and weedicide with the objective of promoting the organic fertilizer utilization for agricultural products. Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal tabled by the Prime Minister as the Minister of Finance for the submission of the imports and exports (control) regulations declared under the Imports and Exports(Control) Act No. 1 of 1969 in relation to the implementation of the said decision of the Cabinet of Ministers.


Payment of compensation for the individuals affected due to the construction of the multi – purpose transport centre in Anuradhapura South and Anuradhapura North.


Anuradhapura consolidated town development project is implemented by the Ministry of Urban Development and Housing under the funds of the French Development Agency (AgenceFrançaise de Development). The salient objective of this project is to develop / improve the urban services and common places through securing the cultural heritages of Anuradhapura town. It has been planned to modify the new bus stand in Anuradhapura and develop it as the Anuradhapura South multi – purpose transport hub and evacuate the old bus stand of Anuradhapura and the long – distanced bus stand from the present venue and re – establish it adjoining the main railway station and operate the same as the Anuradhapura North multi – purpose transport hub under that. Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers granted approval to the resolution furnished by the Prime Minister as the Minister of Urban Development and Housing for the payment of compensation to 302 families affected by those projects subject to considering the impact of those projects to them and under the relevant criteria.

Establishment of a vessel monitoring system for acting according to local and international legal requirements.

In terms of the accord proposal 15 / 03 of Indian Ocean’s Tuna Commission, it is essential to identify the location of multi – day fishing vessels in the ocean, implementing search and rescue operations at disasters and establishment of a vessel observation system for controlling illegal and informal fisheries activities carried out across the naval routes utilizing the multi – day fishing vessels. A vessel observation system has been established utilizing the satellite technology for 1250 multi – day fishing vessels registered under the Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources in the year 2015. Apart from those vessels those equipment should be affixed to another 4200 such multi – day fishing vessels. The

Cabinet of Ministers granted approval to the resolution submitted by the Minister of Fisheries for taking necessary actions for affixing the said vessel observation system across a procurement process conducted by the International Organization on Migrants utilizing a grant of Australian Dollars 5.38 million granted by the Home Affairs Department of Australia.

Housing scheme in Malimboda Estate in Deraniyagala

In concurrence with a request made at the programme “Gama Samanga Pilisandara(Dialogue with the Village) held with His Excellency the President in the Deraniyagalaarea, a housing project has been proposed to be implemented for the estate workers in the proximity of Malinboda area. 171 houses are proposed to be constructed for the estate workers. Whereas, the Government of India has agreed to supply a grant of Rupees 500 million for the construction of 480 estate houses including the proposed houses as the request of the President. Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers granted the approval for the resolution submitted by the Hon. Prime Minister as the Minister of Urban Development and Housing for implementing the construction project of 171 housing units in Malimboda under the proposed Indian grant and award the construction contract of 60 houses as the first phase of the project to State Engineering Cooperation.

Construction of Outdoor Patients Division (OPD), Administrative Unit and the ward complex of Lady Ridgeway Hospital for Children (LRH), Colombo.

The Cabinet of Ministers has granted approval to the proposal submitted by the Minister of Health for the implementation of the construction project of the Outdoor Patients Division (OPD), Administrative Unit and the ward complex of Lady Ridgeway Hospital for Children (LRH), Colombo within the medium – term budgetary framework of 2022 – 2024

Procurement of 32,000 vials of Denosumabinjection of 100 mg / 4 ml

International competitive bids have been called for the procurement of this medicine used for the treatment of certain cancers. Four (04) bids have been received while the Cabinet of Ministers has granted approval to the proposal submitted by the Minister of Health for awarding the tender for an amount of Sri Lankan Rupees 220.8 million to M / s MedmartPharma (Pvt.) Ltd. to the procurement of 32,000 vials of 100 mg / 4 ml Denosumab injection in terms of the recommendation of the standing procurement committee appointed by the Cabinet of Ministers.


Providing “Guru Abhimani” allowance for preschool teachers.

The Vistas of Prosperity and Splendor national policy framework has recognized the preschool teachers as key players in human resource development and paid special attention to provide a permanent allowance following to a certain training given for preschool teachers.

Accordingly, it has been identified that it is suitable to increase the existing allowance of

Rs.250/= up to Rs.2500/= Accordingly the proposal tabled by the Minister of Education, to increase the existing allowance of Rs.250/= up to Rs.2500/= for eligible preschool teachersunder identified criteria as effect from 1st June, 2021 and provide the said allowance to 25,000 preschool teachers as the first phase, was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers.

11. Supplying required carbonic fertilizer and natural minerals and kilated herbal trace minerals for the Yala Season of 2021/2022.

The Government has taken steps to ban the use and import of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides to promote the use of organic fertilizers in the country. Accordingly, the Ministry of Agriculture has identified the need to take immediate action to supply the required organic fertilizer for the 2021/2022 MahaSeason. At present there are 27 local organic fertilizer manufacturers licensed by the National Fertilizer Secretariat Office and considering the production capacity of ten of them, it is possible to supply carbonic fertilizer locally for 224,000 hectares for the 2021/2022 Maha Season and to manufacture the required carbonic fertilizer for another 100,000 hectares subsequently to make available of the required facilities for the identified farmers. As per the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal tabled by the Minister of Agriculture to take the steps as follows.

• Appointing a special procurement committee on organic fertilizer, natural minerals and kilated herbal trace and a technical committee specialized for the relevant subject to assist the procurement committee.

• Import required carbonic fertilizer and naturalmineral through the government owned fertilizer company for 500,000 hectares ofpaddy cultivation on 2021/2022 Maha Season with accordance to the international competitive bidding method and distributing them through the Department of Agrarian Services.

• Import the carbonic fertilizer through the licensed companies that have permission to import fertilizer for 600,000 hectares of the other crops adhering to the recommendations of the research institutions of the relevant crops.

• Import identified specific fertilizers for non-foodie charming plants, cut flower cultivations and non-soil cultivation through the Import License Method adhering to the recommendations of the research institutes of the relevant crops.



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