StratNewsGlobal editor-in-chief Nitin Gokhale speaks to Alok Bansal, Director of India Foundation on the Supreme Court's verdict on the government’s move to abrogate Article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir. In the interview, Bansal says the “historic” verdict has provided...
Former ambassadors: Navtej Sarna (Israel & US); Talmiz Ahmad (Saudi Arabia, UAE); Dinkar Srivastava (Iran) decode Israel-Palestine, crucial power shifts, India’s role. And the danger of geopolitical stories of good & evil.
NEW DELHI:                    As Israel steps up its ground offensive in Gaza in retaliation for the deadly attacks by Hamas on October 7, voices favouring a ceasefire have grown. Israeli Prime Minister...
Is Maldives' new President, Mohamed Muizzu, a puppet in his own country? Or is he a man being misled by ill-intentioned forces? We ask this question because the new president of this small but strategically important island nation has...
ensions are running high around Taiwan - a self-ruled island that China claims to be part of its own territory.


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