The number of COVID-19 positive patients increased to 214 today, April 13th, with the 4 newest cases reported being from the Beruwela area.

Quoting the Director General of Health Services, Dr. Anil Jasinghe,   a media release from the Department of Information stated that the four new patients were all associates of a COVID-19 patient from Beruwela.  All of the new cases were already in quarantine at the Poonani Centre when they were identified as having the virus.

Meanwhile, a communique from the Presidential Secretariat states that the work from home order for all government and private sector staff will remain in force till April 20.  The curfew currently in force in areas identified as high risk, Colombo, Gampaha, Puttlam, Kalutara and Jaffna remains in force until further notice.  In all other areas, the curfew is scheduled to be lifted at 6 a.m.  on April 16th, and re-imposed at 4 p.m. the same day.  There is no change to the curfew hours in the two isolated villages, Akurana and Atalugama.

The Presidential Secretariat has also announced that schools will remain closed until May 11th.  Where possible, students are to be provided with distant learning facilities.


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