Ranil clashes with SJB MP Vadivel Suresh
UNP Leader Ranil Wickremesinghe clashed with SJB (Samagi Jana Balawegaya) MP Vadivel Suresh in Parliament today.
The incident sparked off when Vadivel Suresh raised a privilege matter reportedly, stating that former UNP MPs brandishing weapons have threatened him with death after storming into the office of Janatha Estate Workers Union.
Former Prime Minister Wickremesinghe replying said that the matter is now before Court and hence it is subjudice. He pointed out that the matter cannot be taken up for discussion in Parliament until the disposal of the case.
MP Vadivel Suresh perturbed, by the statement, said it was not fair for Mr Wickremesinghe to prevent justice being meted out to a trade unionist like him. Wickremesinghe losing his cool, called Suresh Vadivel a lunatic and asked the Speaker to make him sit.
MP Harin Fernando who intervened made some remarks justifying Wickremesinghe’s position.


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