President Gotabaya Rajapaksa has, of late, appointed several Presidential Task Forces.

Heads of Public entities, Members of Director Boards etc. appointed by the current government will be asked to resign from their positions, if they plan to engage in political activity during the forthcoming parliamentary elections.

A media release from the Presidential Media Division states that President Gotabaya Rajapaksa has advised all Heads and members of Board of Directors of State entities including Corporations and Statutory Boards, appointed by his government, to refrain from engaging in any political activity in support of any party at the forthcoming elections.

Instead, he expects all such officers to ‘develop their organizations into effective, corruption-free, productive, disciplined and profit-making entities,’ says the release, adding that the President has reminded the officers that as State organisations operate on public money, they should not be a ‘burden to the people.’

The release adds that the President has instructed that no physical or financial assets such as vehicles and equipment belonging to Ministries, Departments, Statutory Boards and Corporations should be used for election activity.  Those violating these instructions will be dealt with strictly as per the law.

‘The Government under the leadership of the President is committed to build a strong state, a developed economy and to establish a fair and just society and a people-centric political culture devoid of petty political agenda. President seeks the cooperation of the State sector and its heads and officials to meet this objective,’ the release added


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