Colombo High Court today ordered the release of Minister Rohitha Abeygunawardena from a corruption case following the Bribery Commission’s decision to withdraw the indictments.

The Bribery Commission had filed indictments against Minister Abeygunawardena for the alleged unlawful acquisition of assets estimated at Rs.41.1 million.

The defence had brought the attention of the Bribery Commission alleging the Commission has filed indictments against the accused without the written sanctions of all members of the Bribery Commission.

Accordingly, the Bribery Commission sought Court’s permission to withdraw the indictments filed against the accused.

The Director-General of the Commission to Investigate Allegations of Bribery or Corruption had filed an indictment in the Colombo High Court on two counts against former Minister Rohitha Abeygunawardena for the unlawful acquisition of assets estimated at Rs.41.1 million.

In his indictment, the Director-General of the Bribery Commission alleged that the former Minister had committed this offence by way of undeclared assets between 2004 to 2006.

The Director-General alleged that the former minister had unlawfully involved in  66 monitory transactions, constructed a house and purchased a jeep in contravention of section 23(a) of the Bribery Act. The Director-General further alleged that former Minister Abeygunawardena had owned these properties-deems under the provision of the act to be property acquired by bribery.


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