President’s Counsel M. A. Sumanthiran appearing on behalf of two Moulavis arrested in connection with the Easter Sunday attacks informed the Supreme Court that the two detainees in the CID had been offered leniency of treatment if they testified against detained lawyer Hijaz Hizbullah.

Sumanthiran submitted to Supreme Court that the two detained Madrasa School teachers during a consultation with their lawyer in the presence of the CID had revealed that they, were told to implicate Hijaz Hisbullah.

Sumanthiran further said the only reason for the arrest of the two moulavis was to have a forced confession since their names did not feature in the B report. They wanted to make a statement to the Magistrate but they were subsequently taken into different remand prisons to prevent them from making statements, Sumanthiran said.

Taking into consideration the facts, the Supreme Court issued an order directing the Prison Authorities to make necessary arrangements to produce two Madrasa School teachers before a Magistrate’s Court.

Mohammad Jawfar Lukman Hakeem and Mohammad Nasiruddin Mohammad Waseer, two teachers attached to Al Zuhriya Madarasa in Puttlalam had been arrested by CID on charges of giving Arms training to School Children in Puttlam.

The Supreme Court made this pursuant to Fundamental Rights petitions filed on behalf of two suspects who arrested and detained under the Prevention of Terrorism Act. They are currently in remand custody.

Attorney-at-law Erick Balasooriya had filed this petition on behalf of two teachers at the Al, Zuhriya Madarasa naming IGP, Director CID, Attorney General, Sri Lanka Bar Association President and several others as respondents.


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