The Criminal Investigations Department yesterday informed Colombo Chief Magistrate’s Court that several email messages sent by the captain of the container ship MV X-Press Perl to its local agent regarding the ship’s entry into Sri Lankan waters had been deleted by an employee of the Company.

Deputy Solicitor General Madhawa Tennakoonappearing on behalf of the CID made this revelation during the magisterial inquiry into thefire ravaged container ship. He further said that an investigation is being carried out in this regard.

Accordingly, Colombo Additional Magistrate Shalini Perera issued an order directing the Managing Director of the Local Shipping Agency to hand over its email database to the CID in order to investigate the emails exchanged between the captain of the ship and the local shipping agency.

DSG Tennakoon further said that the ship and its crew had entered the Sri Lankan waters by furnishing false information, knowing that the ship in question was unfit to enter any country. He further submitted to court that the Captain had known of the acid leak in one of its containers about 10 days prior to the fire on board..

However, the lawyers appeared on behalf of the Captain and Chief Engineer of the X-Press Perl denied the allegation that they concealed facts prior to their entry to Sri Lanka.

Further magisterial inquiry fixed for June 15.


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