General Secretary of the SLPP (Sri Lanka PoduJana Peramuna)has called for the resignation of the Energy Minister taking full responsibility for the fuel hike introduced on Saturday.

He said when people are in a difficult situation facing numerous hardship, owing to the rampant Covid 19, the minister should take responsibility single-handedly for the fuel price hike.

The statement said that they are of the fervent view that the current situation should change.

“At a time when Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa had dedicated himself to defeat a government which had more leanings towards neocolonialism and established a people-friendly administration, this kind of step would make the entire government unpopular.” The statement said.

Opposition leader Sajith Premadasa however, discounted this position taken by the General Secretary of the SLPP, stating that the decision to increase fuel prices is part of the collective responsibility of the government rather than an individual decision.

A Cabinet sub-committee discussed this in the presence of the President and the Prime Minister, he added.

”Take collective responsibility,” the leader of the Opposition said, calling upon the entire government to resign and allow a capable leadership to takeover”.


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