The Sri Lankan Church has declared March 7 “Black Sunday” to demand justice for victims of the 2019 Easter Sunday terror attacks. According to Union of Catholics Asian News


Catholic leaders are unhappy with the report of the presidential commission of inquiry, which failed to identify the real culprits behind the attacks. UCAN said


The report published in the UCAN further said “Father Ranjith Terry Fernando, parish priest of St. Mary’s Church in Pitipanam, Negombo, said bishops and priests have declared a Black Sunday since justice has not been achieved for victims of the atrocity.


Quoting Father Fernando, the report said ” A Black Sunday has been declared as a protest against the lack of justice for all the lives lost and victims of the attacks,”.

A group of suicide bombers affiliated to local Islamist group National Thowheed Jamath targeted three churches and three luxury hotels, killing at least 279 people, on Easter Sunday in 2019.

Two days after the attacks, Islamic State claimed responsibility, but the commission said they have not found a direct link between the group and local attackers.

The commission, which heard from 440 witnesses, said the Attorney-General should consider instituting criminal proceedings against former President Maithripala Sirisena and his intelligence chiefs for failing to prevent the bombings.

Father Fernando invited all Catholics to dress in black when they attend Sunday services to show solidarity with the victims of the bombings to mark the protest on March 7.

“The process, which begins on Black Sunday, is expected to lead to many more activities. We see this report as an incomplete report with no justice for victims,” he said during Mass on Feb. 28.


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