01. University of Ruhuna entering into a memorandum of understanding with Vellore Institute of Technology, India.

The Cabinet of Ministers approved the resolution submitted by the Minister of Education to sign a Memorandum of Understanding between the University of Ruhuna and Vellore Institute of Technology, India for achieving advanced educational partnership through organizing student exchange programmes for the first degrees and post graduate programmes, organizing academic staff exchange programmes for exchanging the mutual experience on teaching researches and practical training, and implementing consolidatedprogrammes for research and development including the exchange of publications andreports etc.

02. Acquisition of rights across a free grant for the land called Kurunduwatte situated in Ekala, Ja – Ela enjoyed by Sri Lanka Transport Board.

Although the right to enjoy the land called Kurunduwatte estate in extent of 23 acres 01 rood and 16.5 perches in Ja – Ela in Ekala has been entrusted in the year 2017 to Sri Lanka Transport Board (SLTB) as per the provisions in section 44 of the land acquisition act, the same has not been entrusted to Si Lanka Transport Board by a title transfer order.

Warehouses of Ja – Ela transport board depot is maintained in a portion of this land enjoyed by Sri Lanka Transport Board approximately 50 years while manufacturing of bus bodies and other projects of Lakdiva Engineering Pvt. Limited owned by the Government are carriedout in another 17 acres of the land. LakdivaEngineering Pvt. Limited has planned to inaugurate a repairing and servicing centre for discarded vehicles belong to the Government Ministries and Departments.

The Cabinet of Ministers granted approval to the proposal submitted by the Minister of Transport for transferring the said land to Sri Lanka Transport Board by a free grant so that the said land could be utilized for investment purposes of Sri Lanka Transport Board and Lakdiva Engineering Pvt. Limited including this project and to implement the proposed project across government – private partnership.

03. Establishment of consultancy boards for strengthening and promoting local industries.

Lack of a proper coordination in between the line ministries, other relevant institutions and industrial sector representatives have caused issues and unnecessary delays in the planning and implementation process. With the objective of developing coordination among therelevantparties / stakeholders, a consultancy board on industries could be established subject to the provisions of the Industrial Promotion Act No. 46 of 1990 yet no steps have been takenin this connection. Actions are being taken to amend the industries promotion act No. 46 of 1990 adding provisions to cater contemporary requirements of the industrial sector. The Cabinet of Ministers granted approval to the resolution furnished by the Minister of Industries to appoint consultancy boards comprised of experts from commerce boards /associations, Universities and research institutes applicable to 20 major industrial sectors until the said amendments are introduced.

04. Amendments to Sri Lanka Telecommunication Act No. 25 of 1991

Sri Lanka Telecommunication Regulatory Commission has been equipped only with powers required for the regulation of telecommunication by Sri Lanka Telecommunication Act No. 25 of 1991 and its amendments implemented at present. Although the Department of Legal Draftsman has formulated fundamental drafts for the amendment of the act, the requirement to further amend the said draft to cater the contemporary requirements has been recognized.

Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal submitted by the President as the Minister of Technology to draft bill for the amendment of Sri Lanka Telecommunication Act (Amendment) No. 25 of 1991 by including necessary provisions.

05. Revision of Consumer Affairs Authority Act No.09 of 2003

Approval has been granted at the Cabinet Meeting held on 03.09.2018 to draft a bill to amend the Consumer Affairs Authority. The Attorney General has pointed out the need to further formalize the Bill prepared accordingly. The Ministry of Trade has identified further provisions to be included in the said Bill to meet present requirements. As such, the proposal made by Minister of Trade to take necessary steps through legal draftsman to include in the bill the identified regulations and proceed the preparation of the Bill accordingly, was approved by the cabinet of ministers.

06. Strengthening the existing legal framework to formalize fertilizer management and regulation appropriately

Enacting regulations on the production, preparation, importation, distribution of fertilizer and relevant matters, Regulation of Fertilizer Act no.68 of 1988 has been introduced. Various problems have arisen due to the fact that certain provisions of the Act are insufficient and do not meet the present requirements. In particular, since the necessary steps have been taken under “Vistas of Prosperity and Splendour” the National Policy Framework, to implement the use of organic fertilizer totally in the country, the need toinclude relevant provisions in the Act has been identified. Therefore, the proposal made by the Minister of Agriculture to introduce new Acts to replace the Fertilizer Act no.68 of 1988, by incorporating provisions to suit the present need, was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers. .

07. Amendment to the Code of Criminal Procedure Act No 15 of 1979 (Pre-trial procedure)

Cabinet approval has been granted on 14.02.2018 amend the Code of Criminal Procedure Act No 15 of 1979 to introduce new provisions regarding the holding of pre-trial conferences in High Courts. The Attorney General’s clearance has been received to the Bill. Accordingly,the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by the Minister of Justice to publish the Bill prepared accordingly by the Legal Draftsman, in the Gazette and present in the parliament for approval consequently .

08. Declaration of the “National Energy Day”

A national programme which is included various activities to enhance the knowledge, attitudes and creativity of school children on sustainable energy has been planned conjointly with the Ministry of Electricity, Ministry of Energy, Ministry of Education and the State Ministry of Solar Power, Wind and Hydro Power Generation Projects Development.Concurrentlyto that, it has been proposed to declare 26th June as the “National Energy Day” annually, taking into consideration 26th June, 1882 as the day Sri Lankans first saw the lightemitted by an electric torch when the German ship SS Helios arrived at the Colombo Port.

Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the resolution tabled by the Minister of Electricity and the Minister of Energy to declare 26th June as the “National Energy Day” in each year and to implement the proposed programmeto educate school children from 26th June every year to 26th June next year and to end with a National Prize Giving Ceremony.

09. Restructuring of the Liquefied Petroleum Gas Industry of Sri Lanka.

It was decided at the Cabinet Meeting held on 7th July 2021 to appoint a Ministerial Subcommittee headed by the Minister of Trade to obtain recommendations on the restructuring of the liquefied petroleum gas industry of Sri Lanka. As per the Cabinet of Ministers approved to implement the following recommendations submitted by the

Ministerial Subcommittee based on the agreements reached during the discussions held precedence by the representatives of the companies engaged in the gas industry in the country, the relevant government institutions and banks and the experts in the field.

Litro Gas Company and Laugfs Gas Company continue to sell a 12.5 kg domestic gas cylinder at Rs. 1493/- as currently prescribed by the Consumer Affairs Authority.

• Purchasing, transporting and storing gas associatively by both companies and using the Hambantota Gas Terminal for this purpose.

• Appointment of a committee consisting of experts in the relevant fields including representatives of Litro Gas Company and Laugfs Gas Company to carry out the procurement affairs, transportation and storage affairs related to the purchase of therequired LP Gas for the country.

• Implementing the recommended methodology by the subcommittee within the next 6 month and take appropriate steps based on its progress.


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