The UNP yesterday expressed its concern over the arrest of a person allegedly involved in the horn honking, protest in Borella.

The UNP has requested the government to give reasons behind the arrest of this individual.

The Police have reacted to a video that has gone viral on social media where motorists have participated in a protest honking their horns at a passing VIP convoy.

While recognising that the security of visiting foreign dignitaries cannot be compromised, there appeared to have been no threat to the VIP or any fellow citizens.

The UNP said Police must confirm under what provisions of the law that this individual has been arrested and whether or not any threat was posed to the VIP by these actions.

The UNP also reminded the government of a similar incident that took place during the UNP administration and said they did not resort to any legal action against anybody involved in the protest.

Meanwhile, some people are referring to a judgment by the Supreme Court that guaranteed the citizens right to protest. The judgement was delivered in 1993 over a “Jana Gosha’ rally organized by the then opposition.


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