Chaos and disorder reigned Parliament when the opposition benches raised objections over the Sirasa TV channel, reportedly being, subjected to intimidation at the hands of the government.

The matter raised by Opposition Leader Sajith Premadasa revealed in Parliament moves are underway to obstruct the transmission of the Sirasa TV channel or ban it by unleashing a cycle of repressive measures by the government.

The matter came up for deliberations at higher echelons of the government, where a team of lawyers advising the government also participated.

The opposition leader demanded a statement from the front benches of the ruling party that no harm would befall the Sirasa TV channel. The opposition leader said he takes responsibility for what he said, and what he said was nothing but the truth.

The opposition echoed its voice over any unwarranted act by the government to silence the voice, that is currently focusing on the issues faced by the people on a day to day basis.

Premadasa called upon the government to assure that there will not be any claymore mines or any other pitfalls on the way to sabotage its transmission through an illegitimate exploit that they are not in a position to justify at any cost.

He reminded the government of its past deeds as regards the media in the country is concerned.

Minister Bandula Gunawardene rose to his feet to defend the government in the face of severe and virulent criticism aimed at the government challenged the opposition members to show any documentary evidence if there was any to restrain the Sirasa from performing its duties. Then he referred to the Richard de Soysa matter and queried as to who killed Richard De Soysa, and again and again, he referred back to the R.Premadasa era and asked what happened to the member of the Dehiwala-Mt Lavinia MC member who came up with a poster against the regime.

There is no answer to what is taking place today opposition benches, abhorred with disgust.

JVP Leader Anura Kumara Dissanayake traced the past deeds of the government as regards the media is concerned. He took swipes at the government for the dreadful deeds it inherited from the past as oppressors of media freedom.

Referring to the remarks made by Bandula Gunawardene to show documentary evidence, Dissanayake queried whether the government published a gazette before attacking and burning down the Sirasa Media organization some years back. In the same way, he inquired, whether they published a document before they set a claymore mine to blow up the Sirasa. Did they have anything in writing before murdering Lasantha Wickrametunge or attacking Keith Noyahr or Poddala Jayantha? Did they give anything in writing before making Ekinaligodadisappear,  Lalith and Khugan disappear?

The campaign against the voice of the people, the media should come to an end immediately. It is a sad phenomenon to note the plight of the media which takes an independent stance against all the odds.


The infamous Kelaniya King Cobra episode that misled the masses and the magical potion of a Charlton called Dhammika were some of the projects undertaken by the channels that tow the government’s line and propagate them come what may, he said.


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