Veteran actor Dilip Kumar passed away at the age of 98, says Dr Jalil Parkar, the pulmonologist treating the actor at Mumbai’s PD Hinduja Hospital, according to news agency ANI.

Born Mohammed Yusuf Khan in 1922 in Peshawar, now in Pakistan, he was known by the screen name of Dilip Kumar once he joined Bollywood in the 1940s.

Dilip Kumar was taken to the hospital on June 30 after he complained of breathing issues. This was his second visit to the hospital in June.

“With a heavy heart and profound grief, I announce the passing away of our beloved DilipSaab, few minutes ago. We are from God and to Him we return. – Faisal Farooqui,” tweeted the official Twitter handle of Dilip Kumar.(Courtesy Mint)

Dilip Kumar is survived by his wife, SairaBanu, a popular leading lady in Bollywood in the 1960s and 1970s.


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